Made withbitsy


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Really cool to see the changes you made after playing the earlier version. Aside from removing the ability to fly and eat cave dust, I really enjoyed it. Definitely would like to see some more mysterious underground environments too. Awesome improvement!

I love how incredibly simplistic the backgrounds are, I loved walking through the tall grass and finding things to interact with,  I also liked that at the beginning you could see the underground city in the background showing that you've come a long way to see the surface.

Very pleasing and enjoyable game to play (: no complaints, 9/10 just the right amount of dust, 1 point removed for inability to eat dust

I like how the items are used to find hidden path ways that are apart of the background it is a nice sense of exploration

I like the ending it was edgy, u a good job based on all the limitations bitsy has!

It's certainly stylish. Everything being in silhouettes fits with how this is supposed to be some destroyed place. It felt a bit spooky.

This was really interesting... some of the backgrounds were a little bare, but pixel art is hard so don't sweat it. I'd like to know a little more about the world, but overall it was really solid.

It's short, sweet, and has good meaning. I feel like there's something deep about having to touch the mans head to see the end